We are happy to have you visit our site. You are welcome to browse through the current month's edition of our award winning Jaguar Jottings magazine, which contains the monthly record of our current events and activities. If you would like to become a member, visit the About-Us section to find out how, or you can fill out the Membership application and submit it with your payment on line or you can mail it in to us.
As a Member, you will have full access to the member's section to view some of our members (their) beautifully restored Jaguars, see the incredible ongoing restoration projects, along with technical information, club monthly new letter "Jaguar Jottings" archives, photos, social activities and the benefits from our many supporters!
Now please enjoy some photos of our club members Jaguars
Gas prices
Ottawa Jaguar Club - July 2021 Jaguar Jottings
© The Ottawa Jaguar Club 2005-2021 all rights Reserved - contact webmaster@ottawajaguarclub.com for any issues with the website